The way in which we consume media has evolved at a rapid rate in recent times, and digital sources are the main reason. As such, we can now increase our knowledge on a wide range of subjects by embracing the modern resources. Twitter is undoubtedly one of the very best. And below we’ve compiled a list of some of the best cyber security tweets of all time.
Twitter provides real time information and connections with companies while also providing influences and the general public with a voice. For these reasons, Twitter is an ideal resource for research and analysis. However, the power of the platform is greater still when dealing with the subject of cyber sec. After all, both social media and the topic of online security are built upon the success of internet communications.
Here are 21 of the best cyber security tweets in the industry. Whether you’re an aspiring cyber security professional or an established expert, the thought provoking tweets may aid your development.
Cyber Security is Not Just For Business’!
#1. Pierluigi Paganini (@SecurityAffairs)
#WhatsApp: Hackers remotely install surveillance software #hacking #malware
— Security Affairs (@securityaffairs) May 15, 2019
Pierluigi Paganini is a well respected expert in the field of cyber sec, and is the owner of the Security Affairs blog.
His recent tweet that includes a video about hackers and the ways in which they are targeting WhatsApp users by installing remote surveillance software shows that cyber security is an issue that needs to be considered by consumers as well as businesses. Moreover, it opens professional eyes to the latest dangers.
#2. Neira Jones (@NeiraJones)
Looking for a Comprehensive #GDPR Fundamentals Online Course? ?
— Neira Jones (@neirajones) May 24, 2019
Look No Further & Check This Out ? #dataprotection #dataprivacy #training #online
Neira Jones is one of the UK’s most revered experts in cyber sec, and has been one of the key analysts on GDPR regulations and the impacts on a global level.
Jones’ words carry a lot of weight, and anyone wanting to grow and develop their skills should follow her feed. This tweet that includes a direct link into a course on understanding GDPR and the security issues of data protection is of interest to anyone wanting to further their career in the industry.
#3. Heart (@ThisIsHeart)
Ever thought passwords are like underwear…. @RobertoRadioTV
— Heart (@thisisheart) May 27, 2015
A radio station might not sound like the perfect place to find tweets on cyber sec. However, cyber sec impacts us all, so it should be no surprise that outsiders have things to say.
This pithy tweet about passwords and how to keep them secure shows that we can learn a lot by taking a sideways look at complex issues. On a side note, the fact they’ve stolen the words from someone else also shows the importance of protecting content.
#4. Security Insight (@SecurityInsight)
“We are giving away too much biometric data. If a bad guy wants your biometric data, remember this: he doesn’t need your actual fingerprint, just the data that represents your fingerprint. That will be unique, one of a kind.” — Mike Muscatel, Snyder’s-Lance
— Security Insight (@Security_GDS) November 15, 2018
Security Insight is another very popular account that covers cyber sec among other features and is well worth a follow.
This tweet, which includes a quote from Mike Muscatel of Snyder’s Lance underlines the threats of advanced data hackers that are using biometric data to complete fraudulent activities, costing people and insurance firms millions each year.
#5. Cruz Cerda III, PHD (@cruzcerda3)
“Ransomware is more about manipulating vulnerabilities in human psychology than the adversary’s technological sophistication” – @ArtOfTheHak @ICITorg #Security #Ransomware #Malware #infosec #CyberSecurity #psychology #Vulnerability
— Cruz Cerda III, Ph.D. (@cruzcerda3) January 17, 2018
Cruz Cerda III is an expert in cyber security and biometric research. Moreover, he provides a Twitter feed that share a lot of valuable info.
This cyber security tweet from 2018 show a James Scott quote that underlines how important the relationship between cyber sec and human psychological truly is. Human behaviors still play an integral role at a consumer level as well as a business levels. Professionals should look to make this a key point when working for clients.
#6. Synclature (@Synclature)
“As we’ve come to realize, the idea that security starts and ends with the purchase of a prepackaged firewall is simply misguided.” – Art Wittmann#Quotes #QuoteOfTheDay #Firewall #Security #Cyber #CyberSecurity #InfoSecurity #DataSecurity #SecurityQuotes #MondayCyberQuotes
— Synclature (@synclature) December 11, 2017
Another quote, this time from Art Wittmann, which was published by Indian tech consultants Synclature on their Twitter feed in 2017.
The quote itself is of huge significance as it shows how quickly the world of cyber security changes. From a pro’s perspective, this should encourage you to always stay abreast of the latest developments – and not only in relation to firewalls. Seriously, persisting with outdated ideas will get you nowhere.
#7. Hakan Akbas (@Hakana)
There are only two different types of companies in the world: those that have been breached and know it and those that have been breached and don’t know it. #CyberSecurity @hakana
— HAKAN AKBAŞ (@hakana) November 29, 2017
Is the quote from Turkish expert Hakan Akbas 100% accurate? Probably not. Does it underline a serious point? Absolutely.
Security threats and breaches are at an all time high, particularly for companies. As a pro in the field, incorporating this into your sales pitch is essential, particularly when working for yourself. After all, cyber security is an integral part of modern business. As an expert working in the industry, the work opportunities are huge.
#8. Egress Software Technologies (@EgressSoftware)
Privacy authorities have received 65,000 #databreach notifications since #GDPR went into full effect via @BnkInfoSecurity
— Egress Software Technologies (@EgressSoftware) May 17, 2019
Sometimes in life, there’s no better educational tool than cold hard facts. Even when they don’t paint a full picture, they do not lie.
The fact that 65,000 notifications of breaches were reported within one year of the GDPR going into effect shows that cyber sec is an ongoing daily battle. Again, professionals can combine this info with their own expertise to show clients how important data protection can truly be.
#9. Anette Novak (@AnetteNovak)
Your customers are worried about their #personal #integrity – are you reassuring them? #CyberSecurity
— anette novak ? (@anettenovak) August 12, 2013
This tweet from Anette Novak – Head of Swedish Government Inquiry on Media Policy – might be from back in 2013, but its message still rings true.
When working on projects dealing with companies, it’s important to remember that their goal is to keep their own clients happy. Appreciating the concerns of the customers is, therefore, a vital ingredient in the recipe for success. Cyber sec, especially in relation to personal data, is top of the pile.
#10. FedTech Magazine (@FedTechMagazine)
“It’s a change of culture as we try and move to more real-time and higher-fidelity reporting” #cybersecurity
— FedTech Magazine (@FedTechMagazine) June 30, 2014
FedTech Magazine is ahead of the curve in many aspects of computer technology, and cyber security is one of their focus points. This tweet highlights a vital factor.
Cyber sec requires real time reporting and analysis for many reasons. It provides the best opportunity to limit the damage caused by breaches while also providing far greater reassurances. This allows businesses and consumers to focus on other matters with greater results.
#11. Protect Yo Self (@ProtectyoSelf)
How many IoT devices exist, with how many computing devices do they share data? How many others have access to that data and what decisions are being made with this data? No one really knows. We just don’t know. — Rebecca Herold, Privacy Professor, at SecureWorld Atlanta
— ProtectYo-Self (@ProtectyoSelf) January 15, 2019
Anybody working in cyber sec appreciates that wireless networking and the Internet of Things can present new challenges. This tweet from Protect Yo Self highlights it.
The quote itself is from Rebecca Herold, Privacy Professor, at SecureWorld Atlanta. Essentially, without knowing how many devices are connected and have access to data at any given time, it’s very difficult to know whether the network is truly safe. This should encourage engineers to put the right infrastructure in place.
#12. Tom Mullen (@TomMullen19)
More than half of British firms ‘report cyber-attacks in 2019. All companies need to take cyber security seriously and keep it on the board agenda, as the threat landscape is constantly changing. #cybersecurity #incidentresponce
— Tom Mullen (@tommullen19) May 26, 2019
Tom Mullen is head of cyber security at O2, so knows more than a thing or two about the subject. The news pieces he shares, like in this tweet, are of particularly significance.
The statistic along with the message that the landscape is changing should be given serious attention by all. Frankly, there is too much at risk for companies and customers alike. As an expert, proving that you can make a positive impact with quantifiable results will work wonders for business.
#13. Max Roser (@MaxCRoser)
The share of people in Africa who are using the internet increased from 3.5% a decade ago to over 20% in 2017.
— Max Roser (@MaxCRoser) May 22, 2019
[In our post you find the data von all countries of the world since 1990:]
Online technologies are an incredible thing that allow us to connect to people from all over the world.
While the Western World often takes online capabilities for granted, it’s important to consider the growth in other parts of the world. This can lead to new opportunities as well as new threats and challenges. As a pro or aspiring pro in this field, it’s imperative to stay on top of the latest trends in this aspect.
#14. IBM Security (@IBMSecurity)
10 quotes about humans’ role in data breaches, from threat to defender: #saferplanet #cybersecurity
— IBM Security (@IBMSecurity) December 12, 2016
IBM are one of the biggest companies in the world of computing. As such, anything they post should get you thinking – including this graphic.
Learning to think in a logical manner is crucial for staying one step ahead of the hackers, and can also boost the hopes of identifying pitfalls that many others would fall into. Click the link from within the tweet to learn even more.
#15. Eugene Kaspersky (@e_kaspersky)
Fake news bots on Twitter:
— Eugene Kaspersky (@e_kaspersky) May 26, 2019
Why fake news bots are still a thing?
How fake news bots behave?
The fake news bot checklist.
If you work in cyber security, you probably know about Eugene Kaspersky, who has been a leader in the industry for three decades.
This tweet shows that cyber security needs to consider the way that consumers interact with online communication. Social media is naturally a key factor, and discovering more about Twitter will certainly pay dividends. After all, social media scams are now among the most complex on the market.
#16. Have I Been Pwned (@HaveIBeenPwned)
New breach: Club Penguin Rewritten had 1.7M records breached in Jan last year. Exposed data included email & IP addresses, usernames and passwords stored as bcrypt hashes. 41% of addresses were already in @haveibeenpwned
— Have I Been Pwned (@haveibeenpwned) April 23, 2019
The twitter profile provides a news feed of relevant info relating to cyber sec breaches from around the world. This one is mind blowing.
It shows that hackers do not care about morality, and are happy to target the accounts of vulnerable kids that play online games. Furthermore, it highlights just some of the personal data that may be targeted by online fraudsters in various other scams.
#17. CloudiUS backup (@BISCloudUS)
Mobile Banking Malware Rose 58% in Q1 #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #CyberAttack #CyberAware #Malware #CyberSecurity
— CloudiUS backup (@BISCloudIUS) May 26, 2019
The way in which people consume online media and interactions has evolved, and mobile tech is at the forefront. Naturally, this brings a whole host of potential risks and threats.
Links between mobile banking and malware, as shown by this CloudiUS is very significant. It should provide direction for any cyber sec expert looking for areas to focus on. Meanwhile, stats like this can be used to gain far greater responses when selling your services to clients.
#18. Nikolai Hampton (@NikolaiHampton)
“…cybersecurity firms are reporting of new cryptocurrency mining viruses.. being spread using EternalBlue—the same NSA exploit that was leaked by the hacking group Shadow Brokers and responsible for the devastating widespread ransomware threat WannaCry.
— Nikolai Hampton (@NikolaiHampton) February 5, 2018
Crypto currency is one of those sectors that promotes itself as being almost invincible. In reality, the advanced skills of hackers means that this isn’t quite the case.
Nikolai Hampton’s tweet includes a key quote that shows how cryptocurrency operations are at risk of mining viruses, which could spell disaster for traders and the platforms alike. Given the popularity of crypto in the modern world, ignoring this simply isn’t an option.
#19. NCC Group plc (@NCCGroupplc)
One of the main cyber security risks is to think that they don’t exist. Based on our recent poll, 62% of the respondents said that cyber security was not a boardroom topic. But what is the balance of risk vs. The cost of mitigating them?#breach#cyberattack
— NCC Group plc (@NCCGroupplc) June 7, 2018
The NCC Group is a global leader in the field of cyber security. Unsurprisingly, they provide some of the most valuable information on the whole of Twitter.
This one reinforces the importance of cyber security but also highlights the far bigger problem that many companies fail to give it the attention it deserves. This can help you think about ways of getting more business and helping clients realize why your services are crucial. In truth, the impact of achieving this is huge.
#20. Joseph Steinberg (@JosephSteinberg)
FREE CyberSecurity Checklist:
— Joseph Steinberg (@JosephSteinberg) March 26, 2018
⭐️ 10 Important and Easy Steps to Secure Your Smartphone and Laptop ⭐️
Available at: #InfoSec #Security #Technology #Smartphone #Phone #Laptop #Privacy #Wisdom
Joseph Steinberg is highly regarded as a cyber security commentator, having works regularly published by the likes of Forbes. His Twitter feed is of huge relevance.
Checklists make everything easier, especially hen starting out or furthering your knowledge by branding out to a new subject area. The link in this tweet offers some truly valuable support that can take your expertise in the field of cyber security to a whole new level.
#21. Iagon. (@IagonOfficial)
“The knock-on effect of a data breach can be devastating for a company. When customers start taking their business—and their money—elsewhere, that can be a real body blow.” – Christopher Graham
— Iagon (@IagonOfficial) April 10, 2019
Simple message. Simple fact. It should be used as the driving force in any modern cyber security strategy.